Community Directory

We've put together a directory of website links and information for various local organisations that might be of interest to you.

Transport Links/Bus and Rail Information (For the local community)
Call Connect Telephone
Stagecoach Telephone
Brylaine Telephone 
Norfolk Green Telephone
Rail Information telephone National Rail Enquiries or

Ambulance, Fire, Police, Coastguard Telephone (24hours)
Electricity Telephone 
Gas Telephone
Water Telephone
Crimestoppers  Telephone
Spalding Police Station Telephone
Johnson Hospital Spalding. Telephone . Visiting times 2pm to 4pm and 6pm to 8pm
Flooding Contact the Floodline on or
Water and Sewage contact Anglian Water, Customer Services on
Recycling and Waste Spalding household waste, West Marsh Road Spalding
Opening times; Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm and Saturday and Sunday 8am to 4pm from April to September. October to March Monday to Sunday 8am to 4pm

Disability Benefits Agency Telephone
Job Centre Plus Broadgate House Westlode street Spalding telephone
Working Tax Credit Helpline
Samaritans Support helpline
Shaw Trust supporting disabled and Disadvantaged people contact

Citizens Advice Bureau
24 The Crescent, Tel

Lincolnshire County Council: Tel;
Boston Borough Council: Tel; or visit
South Holland District Council: Tel;
South Holland & Deepings, John Hayes MP
Local Councillors:
Frank Williams
Nicholas T. Carter
Howard Johnson
Edward Poll
or visit 
South Kesteven District Council: Tel; or visit

Alder Veterinary Surgery: 58 Bourne Rd, Spalding, Tel
Best Friends: 21 Boston Rd, Holbeach, Tel
Holbeach & Fleet Veterinary Clinic: Fleet Rd Ind, Tel
Long Sutton Veterinary Surgery: 2b West St, Tel
Riverside Veterinary: Cradge Bank, Spalding, Tel
Vet Savers: 49 St Thomas Rd, Spalding, Tel


Clubs and Societies
Please visit

Local Markets
Spalding Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, with a Farmers market on the 1st Saturday of the month
Holbeach market on Thursday and Saturday
Long Sutton market days are Friday.

Theatres and Theatre Companies
South Holland Centre, or visit
Stamford Arts Centre, or visit
Act II Theatre Company: Spalding, Tel or
Or visit

Spalding Churches and Places of Worship
Broad Street Methodist Church,
Lighthouse Pentecostal Church,
St Norbert’s Catholic Church,
St Paul’s Church,
South Holland Community Church,
South Holland Methodist Church,
Spalding Baptist Church,
St Mary and Nicolas Church,
Quakers Society of Friends,
St Thomas’s Road Methodist Church,
Spalding United Reformed Church,
St John The Baptist,
Spalding Christadelphians,


Spalding , Pinchbeck, Holbeach, Donington, Bourne, Crowland, Deepings, Long Sutton; Tel or visit

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