Veterans UK helpline
7:30 am to 5:00 pm Friday
7:30 am to 6:30 pm Monday to Thursday
Telephone (overseas):
Freephone (UK only):

Thornton Cleveleys
Ministry of Defence
Veterans UK

The Veterans Badge
Eligibility Criteria

All those who have served in HM Armed Force including
Volunteer and Regular Reserves. This does not include
Overseas forces or those who served alongside HM Forces

The Badge is a survivors' badge and therefore is not issued
postthumously. The only exception is for widows and widowers
who are in receipt of a War Widowers Pension, paid by the
Ministry of Defence

If you would like more information on Eligibility Criteria
Please visit or contact the MOD

MOD Medal Office Innsworth House
lmjin Barracks Gloucester

Freephone (UK only):