Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership (LRSP) was formed in June 2000 in order to reduce the number of people killed and injured on Lincolnshire’s roads.
LRSP is a unique multi-agency Partnership which brings together, under one roof, road safety professionals from its partner organisations:
Lincolnshire County Council ------ Lincolnshire Police ------ Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue ------ NHS Partnership ------ Highways Agency ------- Probation Service

Public perceptions of road safety in Lincolnshire Survey 2016
This September sees the launch of a brand new road safety awareness campaign from Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership (LRSP).
The 'Stop for the lollipop' campaign aims to address the increasing issue of some drivers not stopping for School Crossing Patrols (or lollipops) around the county.
We are seeking your support by ensuring you adhere to traffic law and stop when a School Crossing Patrol stop sign is raised.
Sadly, in recent months, there has been an increasing number of incidents where drivers have failed to stop for School Crossing Patrols compromising the safety of everyone crossing the road, including young children and their parents.
Help us stop those who fail to respect the law and all those using the crossing by reporting this despicable and dangerous behaviour and making a drive-through taboo.
Road traffic law dictates that vehicles must stop when a School Crossing Patrol raises their 'Stop for children' sign. Vehicles that fail to stop are committing a road traffic offence and in some cases charges have been brought by Lincolnshire Police. The wording in the Highway Code in Rule 210 clearly states that 'You must stop when a school crossing patrol shows a 'Stop for Children' sign'.
As part of the campaign schools and parents in areas with a School Crossing Patrol are being reminded of their legal obligation to 'stop for the lollipop', in preparation for the new academic year.
It is possible that many drivers have either become complacent or are simply unaware of their legal obligation to stop.
LRSP's greatest concern is the safety for all those who use the road and not stopping when required puts everyone in danger.
School Crossing Patrols must be able to carry out their work in safety, drivers not stopping jeopardises this.
More sustainable and healthier options by walking or cycling to school should be promoted, especially in areas where there is already parking congestion around a school.
However we should be able to offer Lincolnshire children a safe crossing option to and from school, without unnecessary danger.
For more information on the School Crossing Patrol service contact Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership on .
A1 Average Speed Camera System
The two static speed cameras on the A1, one Northbound and one Southbound, at Ponton, near Stoke Rochford, have been replaced with an average speed camera system.
Testing of the installation and systems has been carried out over the last 4 weeks and formal handover from the installation company has been completed. At 12 o'clock Noon today (22nd June) the system went live and drivers exceeding the speed limit may be prosecuted.
The new system, consisting of 8 camera gantries (4 North and 4 South) replaces the 2 static Gatso type cameras that were installed in 1998 to reduce the amount of collisions that had occurred over the years. Whilst there was a slight reduction after that installation in those killed or seriously injured (from 3.1 to 2.1annual average) there were still a significant amount of collisions occurring and the decision, supported by data from Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership, to install the average system was taken by Highways England.
All installation costs were met by Highway England, the operating costs and subsequent maintenance will be met by Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership.
There is no reduction in the national speed limit.
The system transmits the offences in real time to a control centre where they are checked and compiled before being forwarded to the police Central Ticket Office where paperwork is produced and sent to the vehicle owners.
In the year previous to the 2 static cameras being turned off an average of 692 drivers per month were prosecuted for breaking the speed limit. Expectations are that, because drivers are more compliant with the average speed camera systems used elsewhere in Lincolnshire, the amount of prosecutions will fall as will the number of collisions, incidents and more importantly the casualties.
The A52 average speed camera system, installed nearly 6 years ago near Ropsley, has seen a reduction of over 57% in collisions and over 70% reduction in casualties since going live.
Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership (LRSP) is planning to launch a county-wide Community Speed Watch (CSW) initiative. This has been designed to empower local communities to tackle non-safety critical speeding issues. The new scheme looks to build on the success of previous initiatives including the passive signs used within ‘Parish Calm’ whilst addressing the shortcomings of manually deployed reactive signs used in ‘Parish Link’.
Over the past year, LRSP has been investigating ‘movable’ speed information signs, both ‘passive’ and ‘reactive’ with the intention of developing a new CSW for communities to deploy.
The reactive ‘dot matrix’ signs are powered by rechargeable batteries and attach to a bracket on a post, such as a lamp post, and are moveable between different brackets. It is envisaged that a community would purchase a number of brackets which would be permanently fixed to lamp posts and then rotate the reactive signs between the brackets as they wish. This allows for smaller parishes to share signs. These signs will be a replacement for the previously used ‘Parish Link’ initiative. The siting of the brackets would need to be agreed.
The intention of the scheme is that communities will be able to purchase either, or both, types of signs and move them about within their community at agreed locations; smaller parishes can share signs. The primary benefit is that communities have overall control of them, as they remain their property. In order to ensure the signs have an impact it is proposed they will not remain in any one place for more than a six week period.
The initial trial has been carried out of both passive and reactive signs on the B6403 Ermine Street Ancaster: this trial ran for two weeks. The whole three quarters of a mile through the village was treated with the signing system. There were two sites identified for the reactive sign, one at each end of the village. During the trial period the reactive sign was moved and recharged as proof of concept.
Speeding - what's your excuse?
The campaign targets drivers in their 20s and 30s.
The campaign targets drivers in their 20s and 30s, an age group that research has shown generally do not relate driving too fast will with an increased chance of being involved in a collision.
The adverts focus on excuses frequently given for speeding such as ‘Late for work? and ‘Running Late?’ alongside hard hitting visuals of the aftermath of road traffic collisions, to encourage the audience to make the connection between speeding and being involved in a collision.
Billboards, cinema advertising, internal train advertising, bus backs ran throughout the region throughout July 2006.
The radio version centres on the aftermath of a collision, where listeners heard emergency services trying to get an injured driver out of a crashed car, from the perspective of the victim.
This is the second year the campaign has been run. The adverts proved highly effective in 2005 with 85% of motorists who’d seen the posters saying they thought the advert was good.
Phrases used to describe the adverts included ‘Gets your attention’ (61%), ‘Makes you think’ (52%), ‘Shocking’ (48%), and ‘To the point’ (47%).
The campaign targets drivers in their 20s and 30s.
The campaign targets drivers in their 20s and 30s, an age group that research has shown generally do not relate driving too fast will with an increased chance of being involved in a collision.
The adverts focus on excuses frequently given for speeding such as ‘Late for work? and ‘Running Late?’ alongside hard hitting visuals of the aftermath of road traffic collisions, to encourage the audience to make the connection between speeding and being involved in a collision.
Billboards, cinema advertising, internal train advertising, bus backs ran throughout the region throughout July 2006.
The radio version centres on the aftermath of a collision, where listeners heard emergency services trying to get an injured driver out of a crashed car, from the perspective of the victim.
This is the second year the campaign has been run. The adverts proved highly effective in 2005 with 85% of motorists who’d seen the posters saying they thought the advert was good.
Phrases used to describe the adverts included ‘Gets your attention’ (61%), ‘Makes you think’ (52%), ‘Shocking’ (48%), and ‘To the point’ (47%).
Driver alertness course
One-day theory and practical driving course for drivers who have been involved in a road traffic collision. Subjects include defensive driving, collision avoidance and hazard awareness.
When a motorist is involved in a Road Traffic collision and there is sufficient evidence for a prosecution for “Driving Without Due Care and Attention, or Driving Without Reasonable Consideration, contrary to Section 3 of the Road Traffic Act 1988, or similar offences, they may be given an option to attend a National Driver Alertness Course.
This is offered as an alternative to prosecution where the driver may receive a fine and penalty points on their driving licence. The conditions must also apply:
The driver must have a full license
There must not be any other outstanding offences relating to the same incident, which the police are prosecuting. E.G. no insurance
The offer must not be made within 3 years of an offence that to a previous Driver Alertness Course.
If a driver fails to attend or cancels a course, they would be referred back to the police for prosecution for the original offence
One-day theory and practical driving course for drivers who have been involved in a road traffic collision. Subjects include defensive driving, collision avoidance and hazard awareness.
When a motorist is involved in a Road Traffic collision and there is sufficient evidence for a prosecution for “Driving Without Due Care and Attention, or Driving Without Reasonable Consideration, contrary to Section 3 of the Road Traffic Act 1988, or similar offences, they may be given an option to attend a National Driver Alertness Course.
This is offered as an alternative to prosecution where the driver may receive a fine and penalty points on their driving licence. The conditions must also apply:
The driver must have a full license
There must not be any other outstanding offences relating to the same incident, which the police are prosecuting. E.G. no insurance
The offer must not be made within 3 years of an offence that to a previous Driver Alertness Course.
If a driver fails to attend or cancels a course, they would be referred back to the police for prosecution for the original offence
Three-and-a-quarter hour theory course for drivers who have committed a road traffic offence such as using a mobile phone or driving through redlight traffic.
What’s Driving Us? is a new course, launched in April 2012 by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) under the National Driver Offender Retraining Scheme (NDORS) and has been put into place to give the Police discretion to offer drivers who commit certain road traffic offences e.g. using a mobile phone whilst driving or jumping a red traffic light, the opportunity to attend a course as an alternative to prosecution or the Fixed Penalty system of a fine and penalty points.
As drivers we don’t often get the chance to think about what we like and dislike about driving – or how other people’s driving affects us. What’s Driving Us? provides you the opportunity to address those issues.
Through presentations and discussions you will gain insight into the decisions that people make on the road. We don’t judge the way you drive, rather we encourage you to think about your driving in more detail.
The course welcomes people of all ages and all levels of driving experience. Courses are usually relaxed and people tell us that they enjoy taking part. There is no need for any special preparation: there are no tests and no driving is involved. By the end of the course, we hope that drivers will have a deeper understanding of how they can keep themselves and other people safe on the roads.
Three-and-a-quarter hour theory course for drivers who have committed a road traffic offence such as using a mobile phone or driving through redlight traffic.
What’s Driving Us? is a new course, launched in April 2012 by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) under the National Driver Offender Retraining Scheme (NDORS) and has been put into place to give the Police discretion to offer drivers who commit certain road traffic offences e.g. using a mobile phone whilst driving or jumping a red traffic light, the opportunity to attend a course as an alternative to prosecution or the Fixed Penalty system of a fine and penalty points.
As drivers we don’t often get the chance to think about what we like and dislike about driving – or how other people’s driving affects us. What’s Driving Us? provides you the opportunity to address those issues.
Through presentations and discussions you will gain insight into the decisions that people make on the road. We don’t judge the way you drive, rather we encourage you to think about your driving in more detail.
The course welcomes people of all ages and all levels of driving experience. Courses are usually relaxed and people tell us that they enjoy taking part. There is no need for any special preparation: there are no tests and no driving is involved. By the end of the course, we hope that drivers will have a deeper understanding of how they can keep themselves and other people safe on the roads.
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