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Anglia Motel Proprietor Harold Payne talks about the work he has done on behalf of the veterans of recent conflicts as well as the final trip he is organising this year back to the beachheads of Normandy as part of the 70th Anniversary of the D-day landings in June 1944. |
In partnership with
Vice president of Peterborough and Spalding Transport Forum, Older Adult Carer Governor for Lincolnshire Partnership Foundation Trust and Leader of Mental Health Issues for Health Watch Lincolnshire George Scott talks about Mental Health support in Lincolnshire. |
Andy Boyton from Springfields Horticultural Society, Peter Ruysen Director of D & R Simmons and Adrian Jansen Director of Lingarden Bulbs Ltd. discuss their visit to the World Tulip Summit in Istanbul and horticulture in general. |
In partnership with

Val Gemmell Volunteer for Home Start talks about Home Start and the importance of CRB checks for volunteers. |
County and District Councillor Angela Newton discusses the Spalding in Bloom results for 2013 and the training for new members of South Holland District Council. |
In partnership with

PC Paul Smith & Inspector Jim Tyner talk about many policing matters within Spalding including the cautioning system, and PC Paul Smith's last day on the job. |
Keith Crawford The Area Chairman of the Spalding Royal Naval Association and the National Vice Chairman of the RNA discusses his MBE nomination. |
In partnership with

Jan Whitbourn and Chris Carter hold interviews with a variety of local figures who have greatly contributed to the local scheme 'The Kitchen Garden Project'.
- Councillor Nick Worth
- Naomi L'Estrange - Master Gardener
- Jane Broom from Master Gardeners
- Ellie Coolie - Sheffield Hallam University Researcher
- Praful Pattel - Cooks Direct
In partnership with

Jan Whitbourn and Chris Carter hold interviews with local figures during the 2013 Pumpkin Parade.
- Ellie Coolie - Sheffield Hallem University Researcher
- Inca Honnor - Flower Queen
- Claire Court - South Holland District Council Partnerships Officer
- Jane Broom - Master Gardener
- Naomi L'Estrange - Master Gardeners
- Nick - Spalding White Doves
- Samantha Gibbons & Laura Simpkins - South Holland District Council Engagement & Monotony Officers
- Ben Faulks & Jon McGrath - The Vegetable Nannies
Praful Pattel - Cooks Direct
Julia Gant from the 4 & 20 Black Birds Project talks about an Edwardian Weekend on the 26-27th July 2014, coinciding with the outbreak of the First World War. |
Child Care and Family Law Specialist at Ringrose Law Diane Miller dicsusses Grandparents Rights, Unmarried Parents, Care Proceedings, lack of legal aid and other legal issues affecting the local community. |
In partnership with

Councillor Nick Worth talks about local elections, the ward in Holbeach, the recent arts project Transported, gardening, members budgets and various other issues in and around South Holland. |
The Right Honourable John Hayes MP Member of Parliament for South Holland and the Deepings, Minister of State for the Cabinet Office and Senior Parliamentary Adviser to the Prime minister David Cameron joins Tulip Radio to discuss his job in Downing Street, the importance of local libraries and supporting local businesses, sheltered housing, the welfare reform and other various local issues. |
In partnership with

Sergeant Stuart Hurst talks about his life with the Lincolnshire Police and his new position in Boston. We also discussed the Street Pastor Scheme in Spalding which he has been a big part of. |
Councillor Roger Gambba-Jones The Portfolio Holder for Waste, Recycling & Carbon Management talks about his life as a Councillor and the responsibilities for the Waste, Recycling, Green Spaces & Carbon Mangament. We also spoke about problems with Fly Tipping, Litter and Street Cleaning. |
Gavin Almond of Hills Department Store talks about the stores £1.5 million stock disposal clearance sale in September 2013, and how they will be updating their stock straight after the sale.
In partnership with

Local Citizen Michael Smith discusses the proposed termination of the Warden Service in many care homes in and around South Lincolnshire. |
In partnership with

Kellie Young from Liberty X talks about the recent reunion of Liberty X and about their upcoming concert in the Peterborough Arena on the 28th September 2013. |
Acting Chief Inspector Chris Davison discusses his career since leaving Spalding 18 months ago to work in Nettleham, and in particular his recent involvement with G4S, a British multinational security services company. |
Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire Alan Hardwick talks about his position and what it entails after being elected Police and Crime Commissioner in November 2012. |
In partnership with

Managers for the Activ Group Organisations Bounce, Loaded and AlleyCatz James Holland, Matt Flisher and Dave Charlesworth talk about their history within the Activ Group Business and various upcoming events and promotions at their sundry businesses. |
Dorothy Short and Liz Walker talk about Donington and Spalding's involvement with the East Midlands in Bloom Competition and the development of Donington's environment. |
In partnership with

Pastor Chas Sandhu talks about Chas's life and good work with the community, and about his return to Spalding and becoming the Pastor of the Light House Church in Haverfield Road. |
HR Director of Bernard Matthews, Andrew Sherwood speaking to Jan and Chris about Bernard Matthews within Lincolnshire, Funding for business and Wind Farms projects.
A Group of National Citizens Service Volunteers talk about their experiences of volunteering through the NCS during the summer holidays in Spalding, and tell us what the NCS is all about. |
Local Author David Turp talks to Chris & Jan about his new detective story for younger readers Deep Secrets.
Melissa Marlowe Communications & Relationships Manager and Simon Hollingworth Creative Consultant of Transported discuss Transported, the new project that has taken over and got the community involved the South Holland and The Boston Borough. |
In partnership with

Rosie Lesurf-Olner Arts Engagement Worker within South Holland for Transported once again joins Tulip Radio to talk about Transported's recent events, and in particular the recent BBQ 67 Performance in Spalding's Town Centre. |
In partnership with

Michael Wachelhofer Member of Austrian Band Cornerstone discusses Cornerstone's Band History and their upcoming performances in Boston and The Cambridge Rock Festival 2013. |
Gorden Boswell of Clay Lake's Boswell Romany Museum talks about the history of his life in South Holland, his family history of Romanies and Gordon's family Romany Museum. |
In partnership with

Richard Stephen, Robin Allan and Diane Moore the judges for East Midlands in Bloom 2013 are joined by Phil Scarlett President of the Chamber of Commerce and Councillor Angela Newton to discuss their day in South Holland and their thoughts on the colourful arrangements they had seen in our towns and villages.
In partnership with

PCSOs Paul Coupland and Natalie Hines talk about their background before joining the Police Force as PCSOs, and how Natalie is looking forward to her now role and working in South Holland. |
Pastor Chas Sandhu, Inspector Jim Tyner and Councillor Malcolm Chandler discuss the launch of the Street Pastors Scheme and the work they have undertaken to make it possible. |
Leader of the Spalding Branch of Weight Watchers Helen Webster discusses her role as a Weight Watchers Leader and what Weight Watchers have to offer. |
James Rylatt Managing Director of Rylatt Ford and Rylatt Ford & Son talks about the play area in Glen Park and how Rylatt Ford and James are trying to raise funds to keep the park poing. |
Rosie Lesurf-Olner Arts Engagement Worker within South Holland for Transported talks about Transported projects, what her role involves, what has happened so for and the upcoming events for the area. |
In partnership with
Matthew Clark Managing Director of Activ Group talks about his life and businesses in Spalding and how proud he is to be involved with his voluntary work with the Spalding Roundtable. |
In partnership with

Sgt Stuart Brotherton of the Lincolnshire Police talks about his career in the police force and the plans for his future concerning his recent decision to retire from the Police Force after 30 years. |
Arts engagement officer for Transported Art Elizabeth Bergeron talks about the open book project, bringing art into local library's and upcoming open theatre event BurntWater.
East Midlands in Bloom Judges Ian Cook & Diana Moore speaking to Jan and Chris about the floral displays around the Spalding area, Wildlife & Community participation within the area. |
Stan Pywell Engineer & Nick Morris Assistant Engineer for the Welland & Deeping Internal Drainage Board discuss various topics within the drainage business in the local area, such as the drainage in the area, the capacity and pumping engines, flood risks and much more. |
In partnership with

Terry Moore General Manager for Logistics for Bakkavor & Laura Langford Communications Manager for Bakkavor talk about Bakkavor's upcoming charity event Party in the Park which is in aid of Help for Heroes. |
In partnership with

Communications Adviser for the East Anglia Region of the NFU Alison Pratt once again enters the Tulip Studios to tell us about the difficulties of growing crops because of the unexpected cold weather of the Spring, modern tractor GPS equipment and many other farming related topics. |
In partnership with

Andy Molsom Owner of Molsoms Optometrists offers us his Advice on Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) & the ways of preventing it |
Sarah Holmes Project Manager of National Citizen Service from EBP in Lincoln gives information about the summer activities of NCS. National Citizen Service (NCS) is open to all 16 and 17-year-olds in England and helps young people build skills for work and life, while taking on new challenges and meeting new friends. |
Councilor Nick Worth from the South Holland District Council talks about Local Council Elections and the recent Holbeach Arts Project 'Transported'. |
In partnership with

Jan Whitbourn previews the latest production from SADOS - Acorn Antiques. Acorn Antiques runs at the South Holland Centre from Wednesday 22 May to Saturday 25 May. |
In partnership with

Director of 4 & 20 Blackbirds Julia Grant talks about recent historical events ran by the 4 & 20 Blackbirds, such as their Elizabethen and Georgian Days in Asycoghfee Hall Museums and Garden. |
In partnership with

James Holland from Alley Catz in Spalding talks to Jan & Chris about their Christmas Party Competition and forthcoming events. |
Rebecca Lee, Artist and Musicians & Transported Arts Engagement Officer Lauren Williams talks to Jan about Rebecca's Outside Broadcasting Project.
Alan Porter Originator of the Two Lips Campaign & Founder of AP Sales talks about his auctioneering, the history of the Two Lips Campaign, his public speaking, cricket and retirement in general. |
In partnership with

Inspector Jim Tyner enters the Tulip Studios once again to discuss more issues within South Holland. The topics covered include anti-immigration protests, burglary, crime rates, crime prevention and events that will occur during the summer months of 2013. |
President of the Spalding and District Area Chamber of Commerce Phil Scarlett discusses the upcoming Flower Parade and "The Peoples Parade" - an open meeting on the discussion of the future parades in Spalding. The Flower Parade is on the 4th of May this year, and the People's Parade Meeting takes place on the 18th May at the South Holland Centre |
In partnership with

Vital information for the Polish Community in South Holland. Wide Horizons is a book detailing the history of South Holland's landscape and people. Tulip Radio presents a Polish read audio version of the book. |
In partnership with

Principal of Boston College Amanda Mosek and Vice-Principal of Corporate Services Janet Hemmant provide information on the history of Boston College and their recent takeover of Spalding's Red Lion Quarter |
In partnership with

David Turner One of the Directors of Hills Department Store discusses the history of the family run business and the various recent activities and events that Hills will be running. |
In partnership with

Community Policing Inspector for Spalding Jim Tyner talks about the recent issues with crime in Spalding including the recent cut down on street drinking and news on the Street Pastor Scheme. |
Allison Pratt Communications Adviser for the East Anglia Region of the NFU joins Tulip Radio once again to discuss the problems concerning farming in regards to the unpredictable climate and the ongoing outbreak of disease in cattle. |
In partnership with

Elizabeth and George Hall from Turners Fish Shop discuss the history of the family run fish shop "Turners" in celebration of the restaurant's centenary year. |
In partnership with

Trustee of the Snowgoose Wildlife Trust Doug Hilton talks about the Snowgoose Wildlife Trust and the history of the East Lighthouse in Long Sutton, which Doug currently owns. |
In partnership with

Peter Kite President of the South Holland Rotary Club talks about the origins and the history of the Rotary Club, and the services they offer. Peter also discussed the clubs international involvement with the Polio Plus Fund. |
In partnership with

Community Policing Inspector for Spalding Jim Tyner discusses the different objectives he faces as a police inspector in Spalding, in particular the new Street Pastor Scheme which is to be introduced in Spalding. |
Logistics Manager of Bakkavor Terry Moore talks about the history of Bakkavor and Produce Trading in Lincolnshire.
In partnership with

Communications Adviser for the East Anglia Region of the NFU Alison Pratt offers her opinion on many issues within the farming industry in East Anglia, such as the emergence of diseases to cattle and problems with illegal hare coursing in Lincolnshire.
In partnership with

Karen Johnson and Sarah Chad from the South Holland District Council talk about the celebration of South Holland's renewal as a Fairtrade zone and the worldwide and local history of the Fairtrade Foundation.
In partnership with

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