For all non-emergency calls contact Lincolnshire Police on
Grantham police station:
Stamford police station:
Spalding police station:
Bourne police station:
In terms of geographic area, Lincolnshire Police is one of the largest forces in the United Kingdom covering 2,284 square miles.
The population of the area covered is approximately 646,000.
For the latest releases and appeals issued by Lincolnshire Police, visit the News Centre.
Lincs Police Twitter:
PCSO Video Blog

Message from Lincolnshire Police Headquarters, Community Safety Department, Wednesday, 26th October 2016.
Re Lincs Alert message sent 20/10/16 - Bogus Telephone Calls
made by males purporting to be police officers from the Metropolitan Police, attempting to discuss money and bank funds.
(A police officer would not phone to ask for bank account details or discuss bank funds.)
Lincs Alert members have responded advising if a bogus telephone call is received, do not make conversation,
put the receiver down then wait 5 minutes before making another telephone call; or use a different phone (mobile) to make a call.
Contact Lincolnshire Police Tel 101

Action Fraud website
Advice on
![]() Operation Galileo is gearing up to tackle hare coursing and protect farmers from damage and criminality After several months respite for farmers, the start of September is traditionally a time when hare coursers begin to become active once more, with the peak months for this illegal ‘sport’ continuing until the end of March. Together with other rural forces, Lincolnshire experienced a significant increase in reports of hare coursing during the 2015/16 ‘season’. During the busiest months of November and December, an average of 15 calls a day were being received, with the South Holland area the hardest hit. From 1st September 2015 to 31st March 2016 there were 176 men arrested or reported for summons. This was compared to 65 men in the 2014/15 season and represented a 170% increase in our enforcement activity. In addition, 19 vehicles were seized and 93 other men were dealt with by other disruption tactics and enforcement action such as Direction to Leave, traffic offences, etc. In a change in tactics, three dogs were also seized. Chief Inspector Jim Tyner, force lead for rural crime said: “Operation Galileo continues and I remain determined that we use all legislative powers available to us to deal with the scourge of hare coursing. This season we are focussing on the seizure of dogs used in hare coursing as feedback from the farming community and from those caught hare coursing is that this has the greatest deterrent effect on them. The message from me is simple: get caught hare coursing in Lincolnshire and we will seize your vehicle, seize your dogs and see you in court.” Lincolnshire Police are also focusing on collaborative work with neighbouring forces that also suffer from hare coursing. NFU’s county adviser for Holland (Lincs), Gordon Corner said: “Once the extent of the hare coursing issue was understood by Lincolnshire Police, last autumn, Operation Galileo was effective in confronting and in many cases charging illegal hare coursers in the county. The message that Lincolnshire is a no-go area for hare coursers needs to be reinforced with more prosecutions and stronger sentencing. Farmers and growers have been put under tremendous pressure and stress when faced with gangs of hare-coursers – the intimidation and threats of violence experienced by them and their families must not be a feature of every hare coursing season. Lincolnshire Police and the NFU will work together to stamp out this worrying and pernicious crime.” To help rural communities share information with the police, a new text reporting service has been introduced, funded by the NFU. Users can text the word ‘Hare’ to 80800 followed by additional information, such as vehicle registrations. The 101 number should continue to be used where a police attendance is required and 999 for emergencies. Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner, Stuart Tweedale said: “Whilst there are many challenges to be tackled, I am confident we are in a position where we can and do take up that challenge”. Note to Editors: A day of action is taking place on Thursday 1st September and this release is embargoed until noon that day. There will be a photo opportunity at 11am on Thursday 1 September at Willow Tree Farm, Main Road, Deeping St Nicholas, PE11 3BN. Available for interview will be farmer Andrew Branton, Chief Inspector Tyner, Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner Stuart Tweedale, and Gordon Corner from the NFU. Officers from neighbouring forces will also be in attendance. Message from Lincolnshire Police Headquarters, Community Safety Department, Friday, 26 August 2016. Reported Cases of Rogue Traders There has been an increased number of reported cases of rogue traders in the county. Lincolnshire Police advise members of the public: "Not to agree to any work being done on their home or garden on the doorstep, but speak with friends or family first." "Not to open the door if they are not expecting someone or don't recognise them. We also urge neighbours and family members to keep an eye on elderly or vulnerable neighbours." If you notice anything suspicious, a vehicle or person(s), contact Lincolnshire Police immediately, call 101 or 999 in an emergency.
![]() Message from Lincolnshire Police Headquarters, Community Safety Department on behalf of Lincolnshire County Council Safer Communities Service, Community Safety Partnership Survey The Lincolnshire Community Safety Partnership (LCSP) works to tackle issues of crime and disorder and improve the quality of life for people living, working or visiting the area. LCSP is a statutory partnership made up of the following organisations: Boston Borough Council, Lincoln City Council and East Lindsey, North Kesteven, South Kesteven, South Holland and West Lindsey District Councils, Lincolnshire County Council
Every year the partnership reviews what it should focus on. We would like to hear what you think the priorities should be for keeping you safe. Do you live in Lincolnshire? If so please tell us your views on crime and community safety by accessing the Lincolnshire Community Safety Partnership website (Community Safety Survey found at top left hand side of the screen). (Closing date 11 November 2016.) If you have any queries contact: Claire Seabourne, Partnership & Commissioning Manager, Safer Communities Service, Lincolnshire County Council Email or Tel Thank you ![]() Don't Be a Money Mule Students are being recruited, sometimes unwittingly, as “mules” by criminals to transfer illegally obtained money between different bank accounts. What is a money mule? A money mule is someone who is recruited by those needing to launder money obtained illegally. Criminals advertise fake jobs in newspapers and on the internet in a number of ways, usually offering opportunities to make money quickly, in order to lure potential money mule recruits. These include: Social media posts Copying genuine company’s websites to create impression of legitimacy Sending mass emails offering employment Targeting individuals that have posted their CVs on employment websites Students are particularly susceptible to adverts of this nature. For someone in full-time education, the opportunity for making money quickly can understandably be an attractive one. The mule will accept money into their bank account, before following further instructions on what to do with the funds. Instructions could include transferring the money into a separate specified account or withdrawing the cash and forwarding it on via money transfer service companies like Western Union or MoneyGram. The mule is generally paid a small percentage of the funds as they pass through their account. Money Laundering is a criminal offence which can lead to prosecution and a custodial sentence. Furthermore, it can lead to the mule being unable to obtain credit in the UK and prevented from holding a bank account. |
Protect Yourself
Be aware that the offence of money laundering carries a maximum prison sentence, in the UK, of 14 years.
Never give the details of your bank account to anyone that you do not trust.
No legitimate company will ever ask you to use your own bank account to transfer their money. Don’t accept any job offers that ask you to do this.
Be wary of unsolicited emails or social media posts promising ways of earning easy money. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
Don’t be afraid to question the legitimacy of any businesses that make you a job offer, especially if the recruitment procedure strays from the conventional.

Restorative Justice can help you to understand why a crime has been carried out against you and to understand the reasons why.
If you would like to know more, please read the attached leaflet and contact the Restorative Justice Department at Lincolnshire Police headquarters.
Tel: or 947247
Video footage taken outside Spalding Castle Sports Complex
of reported shooting this morning courtesy of Sky News

Holiday Fraud
With summer holidays fast approaching, individuals are often more exposed to travel booking frauds when looking for last minute package deals / cheap flights. Whether paying upfront for a family holiday or simply booking a flight, payments are transferred only to discover that the holiday / airline ticket does not exist and was sold to you by a bogus travel company. Fraudsters will often lure in potential customers with low prices and ‘one time only’ offers that are simply too good to pass up, requesting payment by the preferred method of direct bank transfer.
Protect Yourself
Avoid responding to unsolicited calls, texts or emails offering holidays at incredibly low prices.
Whenever possible, pay for your holiday by credit card as it offers increased protection.
Always remember to look for the ‘https’ and locked padlock icon in the address bar before entering your payment details.
Never feel pressured to make a booking for fear that you will miss out on this ‘low price’ opportunity.
If you have never used the company before, take your time to do some online research to ensure they are reputable.
Should you make a flight or hotel booking through a travel company, feel free to separately check with the hotel / airline that your booking does indeed exist.
If you have been affected by this, or any other scam, report it to Action Fraud by calling , or visiting
Protect Yourself
Avoid responding to unsolicited calls, texts or emails offering holidays at incredibly low prices.
Whenever possible, pay for your holiday by credit card as it offers increased protection.
Always remember to look for the ‘https’ and locked padlock icon in the address bar before entering your payment details.
Never feel pressured to make a booking for fear that you will miss out on this ‘low price’ opportunity.
If you have never used the company before, take your time to do some online research to ensure they are reputable.
Should you make a flight or hotel booking through a travel company, feel free to separately check with the hotel / airline that your booking does indeed exist.
If you have been affected by this, or any other scam, report it to Action Fraud by calling , or visiting

Rogue Traders
This is an alert to inform you we have had an incident reported of rogue trading in the Spalding Wygate Estate area.
Please be extremely cautious when people cold call at your front door and offer to carry out work to your home or garden.
Do not let anyone who cold calls undertake any work on your property.
If the deal sounds too good to be true then it probably is.
Never pay cash on the doorstep.
Keep an eye out for residents around you who maybe elderly or vulnerable.
Report any cold calls to the police immediately.
Thank you
PCSO Emma Simpson

Farms – Arson Prevention Advice
As harvest approaches there is a need to take precautions and be increasingly vigilant to reduce the risk of deliberate fires.
Historically, there have been issues once stacks begin to appear across the county.
However, the following measures can be taken to minimise risks:
A quick survey around a farm will identify where an arsonist could strike.
Stacks should be of a reasonable size and at least 10 metres apart.
Removing hay and straw from the field quickly after harvest will take away a potential arson target.
It is also essential to maintain firefighting equipment and to prepare
a fire routine and action plan for the safety of your family and employees
The Arson Task Force have produced Arson Prevention Leaflets specifically for farmers and these can be downloaded or are readily available on request
For more information, visit the Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue website
Or contact the Arson Task Force -

Report a drink driver: text DRINK (or) DRUG to 80800
Lincolnshire Police has launched its summer drink and drug drive campaign.
This is part of the national campaign working directly with officers from the regional forces as part of the East Midlands Operational Support Service
You will be able to report a drink or drug driver using a short code SMS text service.
Simply text the word DRINK (or) DRUG to 80800 with details of:
- Who the person is and/or the vehicle registration
- Where the person is or will be drinking
- When the person is likely to drive
If you see a drink/drug driver actually driving, please treat it as an emergency and call 999.
Drivers are reminded that we will be carrying out roadside checks at all times of the day, including the mornings, and now carry drug testing kits so drivers can be tested accurately at the roadside for drugs.

Within the past 24 hours a number of businesses throughout the UK have received extortion demands from a group calling themselves ‘Lizard Squad’.
Method of Attack:
The group have sent emails demanding payment of 5 Bitcoins, to be paid by a certain time and date. The email states that this demand will increase by 5 Bitcoins for each day that it goes unpaid.
If their demand is not met, they have threatened to launch a Denial of Service attack against the businesses’ websites and networks, taking them offline until payment is made.
The demand states that once their actions have started, they cannot be undone.
What to do if you’ve received one of these demands:
- Report it to Action Fraud by calling or by using the online reporting tool
- Do not pay the demand
- Retain the original emails (with headers)
- Maintain a timeline of the attack, recording all times, type and content of the contact
If you are experiencing a DDoS right now you should:
- Report it to Action Fraud by calling immediately.
- Call your Internet Service Provider (ISP) (or hosting provider if you do not host your own Web server), tell them you are under attack and ask for help.
- Keep a timeline of events and save server logs, web logs, email logs, any packet capture, network graphs, reports etc.
- Consider the likelihood and risks to your organisation of a DDoS attack, and put appropriate threat reduction/mitigation measures in place.
- If you consider that protection is necessary, speak to a DDoS prevention specialist.
- Whether you are at risk of a DDoS attack or not, you should have the hosting facilities in place to handle large, unexpected volumes of website hits.

Community Safety Alert
Lincolnshire Police surveyed our Horse Watch members during 2015, asking for them to raise any concerns as a horse rider/owner in Lincolnshire. One of the most important issues raised was how drivers and horse riders should act when they meet on our roads.
In response to their concerns we have decided to promote the new initiative from the British Horse Society DEAD? OR DEAD SLOW? which aims to educate both riders and drivers.
In the five years since the launch of its horse accidents website, over 2,000 reports of road incidents involving horses have been reported nationally to the charity. Of these, 36 caused rider deaths, and 181 resulted in a horse dying from their injuries or being put to sleep. 75% of accidents happened because the vehicle passed the horse without allowing enough space.
The majority of these incidents happened on a minor road and in a rural area. Nearly half of the horses involved were used to riding on the roads more than once a week.
The launch of the campaign, Dead Slow, follows a number of high profile petitions calling for greater protection for horse and rider on the roads following the injury of horse carriage master Mark Evans and the death of his horse Wil, who was hit by a car in Wales (February 2016) as he pulled a funeral cortege.
Please take just a few minutes of your time to view the dead or dead slow video, remember the key is to slow down to 15 miles per hour, and pass widely, view here
Lee Hackett, BHS Director of Policy, said: “We are asking drivers to slow down to 15mph when they see a horse on the road. A lot of people aren’t sure how to safely pass a horse when driving, and so we have produced a video showing exactly how it should be done.
The BHS encourages horse riders to wear Hi-Viz gear at all times on the road. Even in bright sunlight it can be hard for a driver to see a horse.
Kevin Clinton, Head of Road Safety at the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, said: “Horses are large, powerful animals and they can easily panic and bolt if startled. This is dangerous for the horse, the rider and other road users.
All drivers should be aware that they may come across a horse being ridden at any time, especially in rural areas.
The British Horse Society
The British Horse Society works closely with Government and local authorities, cycling groups and commercial transport firms to educate and change driver behaviour. Working tirelessly to ensure that all equestrians have access to riding outdoors without having to negotiate traffic on the roads, a key focus of the Society is the protection off road routes.
The associated video clip is promoted by kind permission of the British Horse Society and should not be copied without their permission. You are permitted to ‘share’ this information.

A new investment fraud trend is targeting members of the public who are seeking to sell their wine investment. Fraudsters agree to purchase the victim’s wine, but instead transfer the stock into their own account without paying the victim. The fraudulently obtained wine is then believed to be sold on to other, unsuspecting victims.
How does it work?
Fraudsters set up fake companies and websites as well as exploit the names of legitimate, established companies to facilitate this fraud. They cold-call the victims and offer to purchase their wine for significantly more than the actual market value.
Fraudulent documents, such as purchase agreements, are used to facilitate the fraud and are sent to the victims via post and email. Some fraudsters have gone as far as setting up fake escrow services in order to fool the potential sellers that the payments have been transferred.
The fraudsters send the victims instructions to transfer their wine into storage accounts held within legitimate bonded warehouses. The victims are informed that upon doing this they will be paid the agreed amount. The use of storage accounts held within legitimate bonded warehouses adds an air of legitimacy to the process but in actual fact these storage accounts are controlled by the fraudsters.
Once the wine is transferred into the new storage accounts the suspects break off all contact with the victims. The wine is then moved again, normally within days and often abroad, and, needless to say, the victim never receives the money from the agreed sale.
Protect Yourself
- Never respond to unsolicited phone calls – if in doubt, hang up
- Always check that the details of the organisation or company contacting you (such as website, address and phone number) are correct – the fraudsters may be masquerading as a legitimate organisation
- Never sign over your wine (or any other investment) to another party without first checking they are authentic
- Don’t be fooled by a professional looking website, as the cost of creating a professional website is easily affordable
- Escrow services are regulated by the FCA under the Payment Services Directive 2009. Only deal with a registered Authorised Payment Institution. You can check the FCA register online at
- Consider seeking independent legal and/or financial advice before making a decision
If you have been affected by this, or any other scam, report it to Action Fraud by calling , or visiting

Fraudsters are targeting members of the public who are expecting to make a payment for property repairs. The fraudsters, via email, will purport to be a tradesman who has recently completed work at the property and use a similar email address to that of the genuine tradesman. They will ask for funds to be transferred via bank transfer and once payment is made the victims of the fraud soon realise they have been deceived when the genuine tradesman requests payment for their services.
Protect Yourself:
- Always check the email address is exactly the same as previous correspondence with the genuine contact.
- For any request of payment via email verify the validity of the request with a phone call to the person who carried out the work.
- Check the email for spelling and grammar as these signs can indicate that the email is not genuine.
- Payments via bank transfer offer no financial protection; consider using alternative methods such as a credit card or PayPal which offer some protection and avenue for recompense.
If you believe that you have been a victim of fraud you can report it online at:
or by telephone on:
or by telephone on:

Possible company scam
We have been advised that a person stating that they work for ‘Sustainable Homes’ has been offering quotes for Air Conditioning in the Lincolnshire region.
Scam details
A person known as ‘Rick Elliott’ (may use other names) calls to make an appointment to provide a quote for a new air conditioning unit. On arriving at the property he provides a glossy magazine and asks for a deposit (around £1000.00) for the unit costing £5,000.
Even though the client uses his right to cancel the contract within the cooling off period, the cheque has still been cashed. We have been unable to contact the person from the details given in the brochure and literature.
Enquiries are ongoing.
If you have been contacted by this company please ring tel: 101 and report the details quoting incident 237 09/04/2016
Please Note: We do not believe this person has any connection to the Surrey based company of the same name.
If you are contacted by a cold caller over the telephone please consider these points:
Do I really need the work/equipment being offered, if I haven’t already asked for a quote
Will the person provide a written contract/quote
Have I obtained other quotes to ensure the price being quoted is reasonable
Have I obtained any references for this company or checked them on companies house to see if they are a registered company
If you are unsure of the company/person do not enter into or sign any agreement
If a person refuses to leave your property, this is an offence and you should ring Tel: 101 to ask for assistance
If you would like to report a suspicious company, contact Trading Standards.
Company Registrations
To check if a company is registered and legal visit the website:
Lincolnshire Safer Communities Trading Standards.
For advice please call 06. Trading Standards nationally has an agreement with Citizens Advice Consumer Service to help you report a problem or obtain free, confidential and impartial advice and guidance on consumer issues.
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm (excluding bank holidays and public holidays)
Visit the website: click here
Action Fraud
To report scams and Internet security issues. Ring or visit the website:
Scam details
A person known as ‘Rick Elliott’ (may use other names) calls to make an appointment to provide a quote for a new air conditioning unit. On arriving at the property he provides a glossy magazine and asks for a deposit (around £1000.00) for the unit costing £5,000.
Even though the client uses his right to cancel the contract within the cooling off period, the cheque has still been cashed. We have been unable to contact the person from the details given in the brochure and literature.
Enquiries are ongoing.
If you have been contacted by this company please ring tel: 101 and report the details quoting incident 237 09/04/2016
Please Note: We do not believe this person has any connection to the Surrey based company of the same name.
If you are contacted by a cold caller over the telephone please consider these points:
Do I really need the work/equipment being offered, if I haven’t already asked for a quote
Will the person provide a written contract/quote
Have I obtained other quotes to ensure the price being quoted is reasonable
Have I obtained any references for this company or checked them on companies house to see if they are a registered company
If you are unsure of the company/person do not enter into or sign any agreement
If a person refuses to leave your property, this is an offence and you should ring Tel: 101 to ask for assistance
If you would like to report a suspicious company, contact Trading Standards.
Company Registrations
To check if a company is registered and legal visit the website:
Lincolnshire Safer Communities Trading Standards.
For advice please call 06. Trading Standards nationally has an agreement with Citizens Advice Consumer Service to help you report a problem or obtain free, confidential and impartial advice and guidance on consumer issues.
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm (excluding bank holidays and public holidays)
Visit the website: click here
Action Fraud
To report scams and Internet security issues. Ring or visit the website:

From 6th April 2016 it will be a legal requirement for ALL dogs to be micro chipped and contact details up-to-date.
The most asked questions answered here:
Will compulsory micro chipping for dogs be government-controlled?
The Micro chipping of Dogs (England) Regulations 2014 will be enforced by local authorities, police constables, community support officers and any other person which the Secretary of State may authorise to act as an enforcer of the regulations.
Is compulsory micro chipping now proof of ownership/keepership?
No, micro chipping will not be proof of 'ownership'. The words 'owner' and 'ownership' have been replaced by the words 'keeper' and 'keepership' for this very reason.
Will compulsory micro chipping mean legal 'Keeper / Ownership'?
The words 'legally responsible' are used if your dog strays, bites or causes any unjust damage. As the keeper of the dog you are 'liable' for the dog that is registered to you. Therefore, as the 'keeper' you will be held responsible if your dog has been found to commit such an act, however the 'keeper' will be protected from prosecution if their dog attacks a burglar or trespasser on their land.
How long has a person got to get a dog micro chipped if they get one after April 2016?
From the 6th of April 2016, all dogs must be micro chipped and registered to an approved database by the time they are 8 weeks old.
If a keeper of a dog which is not micro chipped gets served with a notice requiring them to have the dog chipped, they will have 21 days to do this.
At what age is a dog exempt?
There are no exemptions with regarding to age. A dog will be legally exempt from being micro chipped only when a vet certifies that it cannot be microchipped for health reasons. This needs to done on a form approved by the Secretary of State.
What is the minimum age a puppy has to be before being chipped?
There is no minimum age specified in the regulations. The puppy only has to be micro chipped and registered to an approved database by the time they are 8 weeks old. The government advises that the dog be healthy enough to be implanted and sufficient time is allowed for the database to process the registration in order to ensure that the dog is compliant with the regulations by the time they are 8 weeks old.
Is there a fine/penalty if I don’t get my dog micro chipped?
Yes. Under the regulations, your dog is considered micro chipped when you (1) implant the dog with a chip and (2) register your details on an approved database. If you do not get your dog micro chipped or your details registered on an approved database, then it will be considered as not complying with the regulations and a notice may be served. If the keeper does not microchip their dogs within 21 days of the served notice, then you will be liable to pay a fine of £500.
Is there a fine/penalty if I don’t keep my database details up to date?
Yes. Under the regulations, your dog is considered micro chipped when you (1) implant the dog with a chip and (2) register your details on an approved database.
If any keeper subsequently moves, changes contact telephone number, etc. then the dog is no longer considered micro chipped under the regulations and enforcement can be taken and a notice served. If the keeper does NOT get their details up to date within 21 days of the served notice, then you will be liable to pay a fine of £500.
What is the purpose of a microchip database?
When a pet is micro chipped the unique Microchip Number and your contact details along with important information on the pet – need to be held in a secure location / and be accessible 24/7 365 by any Authorised Agent finding the pet.
Petlog is the UK’s largest lost and found database for micro chipped pets. Its customer care team are based in the UK and available 24/7 365, operating to ISO 9001/2 standards and is managed by the Kennel Club.
What documentation will be issued to the registered keeper?
The keeper will be able to download their confirmation of registration via the website for their microchip number and Petlog ID upon validation of registration.
Why do Microchip databases charge fees for amending / changing details?
The fee that is paid at the point of microchip implantation does not go to the databases; this is the reason why databases request a fee when a change of details is required - to ensure the promise of a 24/7, 365 lifetime service to its customers.
Will the microchip expire?
The microchip will have an expiry date on the packaging but this is purely for implantation purposes and not an expiry date for the function of reunification.
If there is more than one Microchip database – how do I know where my details are being stored – do I get a choice?
We always recommend that before having your pet micro chipped – you ask what microchip is being used and which database it is aligned to. Your pet’s details and your contacts details are very important – and you should consider where this information is being stored – and the service level that accompanies this.
How will owners know their dog’s microchip is registered with Petlog?
When a pet is micro chipped the keeper will be given documentation by the implanter for them to keep, this contains the microchip number and database with contact details of where their record will be held.
The implanter will also forward this information directly to the respective database, where all the details will be held. If the keeper of the pet does not receive confirmation of registration within 14 days they should check the paperwork given by the implanter on the day, contact the relevant database.
If the keeper knows the microchip number they can easily go online to check if the dog is registered
on the Petlog Microchip Look Up.
How can owners “keepers” check the details on their dog’s microchip are up to date?
Easy, online at place the pet’s microchip number in theLook Up a Microchip search. If the microchip number is one that is registered with Petlog the keeper can create an account or login and then check the details recorded with Petlog.
What is Petlog’s procedure for changing details in situations where both previous owner and new owner might not express consent, such as when a dog is unclaimed from the pound, or if the previous owner has died?
On most occasions both parties can be put in touch with each other and a resolve made.
In the case of the death of a previous keeper, the database has a process to deal with this, and will be happy to discuss with the customer in this unfortunate event. In respect of other keepership issues, on the rare occasion that consent is not given then the record is ‘locked’ and can only be dealt with by a member of our Customer Care Team. The primary role is to reunite lost pets with their keepers. When keepership issues arise, if they cannot be reconciled by agreement between two conflicting parties, the dispute over keepership will then become a civil matter.
(Information provided by Petlog.)
You should also remember that -
A dog should also have a collar and tag as this is still a legal requirement and a microchip doesn't replace the need for a collar and tag. If your dog has a collar and ID tag with the owners contact details - it is more likely that the dog will be returned without being collected as a stray and fees incurred.

Police warning for Cyclists using Cycling Apps
Dorset Police have issued a warning to cyclists who share their route with other cyclists through the cycling apps.
They urge all cyclists to be mindful of the information which they
share over the internet and how this can be interpreted by criminals.
Changing your privacy settings on an app will make it hard for would be thieves to pinpoint the bike when not in use. Having an exclusion zone around the place where you live to restrict that data being shown will prevent a potential thief from knowing your home location.
(Information via Bike Register)

Diesel theft West Pinchbeck
Good afternoon this is PCSO Colin Abbotts from Spalding North Rural policing team.
There has been a theft of tractor diesel from a farm on Leaveslake Drove West Pinchbeck.
Offender broke lock from container to get to fuel. Can all farms please check fuel storage tanks to ensure they are secure
There has been a theft of tractor diesel from a farm on Leaveslake Drove West Pinchbeck.
Offender broke lock from container to get to fuel. Can all farms please check fuel storage tanks to ensure they are secure

Horse Watch Alert - update
Lincolnshire Police appealed for information regarding the theft of equine related equipment in the two incidents listed below.
I am pleased to confirm that the majority of the equipment stolen has now been located and returned to the owners.
Enquiries are ongoing regarding the two incidents.
Incident 47 23 Feb relates to stables in the Goulceby area of Louth whereby rugs, grooming kits and medical items were removed from the premises.
Incident 91 23 Feb relates to stables in the Gautby area of Horncastle whereby a large quantity of horse related equipment has been removed.
In order to reduce the possibilities of this type of theft, please follow the tips below:
Basic security measures
Please ensure that your tack is not left in a location that is unlocked and easily accessed.
Do not leave wheel barrows available to transport equipment off site
Ensure your saddles are security marked – contact the Community Safety Dept at Police Headquarters to arrange a site visit to assess your tack security requirements.Email:

Bogus Callers
Good evening this is a general crime prevention message, a reminder about bogus callers.
Bogus callers can be male or female and any age. They may present themselves unexpectedly at your front door with an excuse to try and trick their way inside. These excuses can be anything e.g asking to use your telephone, looking for a lost kitten, or being from the water board.
Genuine callers will have identification and be happy to wait outside while you make a phone call to verify that they work for the company they state.
You may want to consider setting up passwords with utility companies.
Don’t let strangers asking for help inside your home.
Don’t agree to have any work done by somebody who knocks at your door
You may have heard this message many times before, but it is always worth a reminder. Please do pass it on to any friends or relatives including those who may be vulnerable.
Anyone acting suspiciously can be reported to us on 101. In an emergency use 999.
And finally remember one thing - IF IN DOUBT KEEP THEM OUT.
Thank you
Spalding Neighbourhood Policing Teams.

Action Fraud (Action Fraud, Administrator, National)
In December 2015 the UK was hit by three severe storms resulting in widespread flooding across the North of England and Scotland.
The NFIB would like to make flood victims aware of the possible threat that Rogue Traders and Bogus Trades People pose to them. Buying on your doorstep can be convenient. However, a salesman who uses clever tactics can pressurise you into buying something you actually don’t want or something that’s poor value for money.
Protect yourself against bogus trades people fraud
- Always ask for identification before letting anyone you don't know into your house.
- Check credentials, including a permanent business address and landline telephone number. The mobile phone numbers given on business cards are often pay-as-you-go numbers which are virtually impossible to trace.
- Take control by asking the questions. Ask for references from previous customers or to see examples of their work.
- Don’t sign on the spot – shop around. Get at least three written quotes to make sure you’re not being ripped off.
- If in any doubt, ask the person to leave or call the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 06.
If you do decide to buy:
- Always get any agreement you make in writing.
- Beware when filling in forms or when speaking to the salesperson, and ensure you don’t reveal confidential details that a fraudster could use to assume your identity or take control of your finances. This may allow a fraudster to steal money from your account or order goods and services in your name.
- Usually, you have a seven-day cooling off period. So if you decide to cancel the contract, act fast.
- Think very carefully about having any work done or goods delivered during the cooling off period. You may have to pay, even if you change your mind.
- Never pay for work before it has been completed, and only then if you are happy with it.
If you believe that you have been a victim of fraud you can report it online or by telephone .
Sent on behalf of Lincolnshire Trading Standards
Please be cautious whom you are giving your items to via doorstep collections.
The attached flyer was left with a blue plastic sack at an address in Bayswood Avenue, Wyberton Fen, Boston, for collection this coming Saturday 6th Feb.
There is no registered charity number. They are not a registered charity.
The bags may be distributed to other areas cross Lincolnshire.
Bin the bag!!
Sent on behalf of Lincolnshire Trading Standards
Please be cautious whom you are giving your items to via doorstep collections.
The attached flyer was left with a blue plastic sack at an address in Bayswood Avenue, Wyberton Fen, Boston, for collection this coming Saturday 6th Feb.
There is no registered charity number. They are not a registered charity.
The bags may be distributed to other areas cross Lincolnshire.
Bin the bag!!
GP/Doctors Surgery Telephone Scam Alert
Police forces have become aware of a fraud circulating targeting elderly and vulnerable members of the community.
The targeted person receives a telephone call from a caller who purports to be from the GP surgery and is asking for an appointment to discuss the person’s mobility needs.
During the appointment, the older person is persuaded to buy mobility aids which are either unnecessary or inappropriate and always expensive.
Your GP surgery will never ring you to sell items that you haven’t asked for or need
If you receive a call like this, please call Tel; 101 to report the details.
Never give out personal details over the telephone and always hang up and wait for the dialling tone to check the identity of a caller.
Police forces have become aware of a fraud circulating targeting elderly and vulnerable members of the community.
The targeted person receives a telephone call from a caller who purports to be from the GP surgery and is asking for an appointment to discuss the person’s mobility needs.
During the appointment, the older person is persuaded to buy mobility aids which are either unnecessary or inappropriate and always expensive.
Your GP surgery will never ring you to sell items that you haven’t asked for or need
If you receive a call like this, please call Tel; 101 to report the details.
Never give out personal details over the telephone and always hang up and wait for the dialling tone to check the identity of a caller.

Action Fraud (Action Fraud, Administrator, National)
Fraudsters are sending out virus infected emails that claim a package has been seized by HM Revenue & Customs upon arrival into the United Kingdom. The official looking scam emails claiming to be from Royal Mail contain a link to a document which will install malicious software on your computer designed to steal credentials like account names, email addresses and passwords.
An example email reads:
"Your parcel has been seized.
Royal Mail is sorry to inform you that a package addressed to you was seized by HM Revenue & Customs upon arrival into the United Kingdom.
A close inspection deemed your items as counterfeit and the manufacturers have been notified. If your items are declared genuine then they will be returned back to you with the appropriate custom charges.
You may have been a victim of counterfeit merchandise and the RM Group UK will notify you on how to get your money back. Please review the attached PDF document for more information.
Document (RM7002137GB).Zip
Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused."
To help the spread of the virus, the email also says:
“you will need to have access to a computer to download and open the Zip file”. If you receive one of these emails, do not click on any links or download any attachments and report it to Action Fraud.
Protect Yourself
Royal Mail will never send an email asking for credit card numbers or other personal or confidential information.
Royal Mail will never ask customers to enter information on a page that isn’t part of the Royal Mail website.
Royal Mail will never include attachments unless the email was solicited by a customer e.g. customer has contacted Royal Mail with an enquiry or has signed up for updates from Royal Mail.
Royal Mail have also stressed that they do not receive a person’s email address as part of any home shopping experience.If you believe that you have been a victim of fraud you can report it online: or by telephone:

Details of our latest enforcement activity as part of Operation Galileo:
Since 1st September there have been 156 men arrested or reported for summons and so far this season. (compared to 65 for the whole season September to March last year). 15 vehicles have been seized. 63 other men have been dealt with by other enforcement action such as Direction to Leave, traffic offences, etc.
- On 9th January five men from the West Midlands, suspected of hare coursing in Metheringham, were given a formal direction to leave the county. There was insufficient evidence for a prosecution.
- On 8th January four men from Somerset were reported for hunting with dogs in Bourne and a Subaru Legacy was seized. They had earlier been given a formal direction to leave the county which they chose to ignore and so had a long walk home.
- On 7th January a silver Nissan Terrano was seized by police after being abandoned by suspected hare coursers in Frithville.
- On 7th January four men from Derbyshire and Cleveland, suspected of being involved in hare coursing, were given a warning to leave the county. There was insufficient evidence for a prosecution.
- On 7th January a man from Derby was given what is called a ‘Section 59 warning’ about their manner of driving off-road in Walcott.
This means that if they are seen in similar circumstances in the next 12 months the vehicle can be seized.Force lead for rural crime, Chief Inspector Jim Tyner said:
"I am often asked what happens to the seized vehicles. Three Subaru Forresters seized from suspected hare coursers in October have been scrapped. A Nissan Terrano and a Vauxhall Frontera seized in November have also been scrapped. Several other vehicles seized for no insurance are going through the administrative procedure and most will be scrapped. If the owner produces a valid current insurance certificate they can reclaim their vehicle but they have to pay the recovery and storage fees. They are still prosecuted for the original offence of no insurance at the time they were stopped. A Subaru Legacy, a Nissan Almeira, a Mitsubishi Shogun and another Subaru Forrester seized under the Hunting Act are currently held pending the prosecution of the drivers.
"Operation Galileo continues and I remain determined that we use all legislative powers available to us to deal with the scourge of hare coursing".
"I am often asked what happens to the seized vehicles. Three Subaru Forresters seized from suspected hare coursers in October have been scrapped. A Nissan Terrano and a Vauxhall Frontera seized in November have also been scrapped. Several other vehicles seized for no insurance are going through the administrative procedure and most will be scrapped. If the owner produces a valid current insurance certificate they can reclaim their vehicle but they have to pay the recovery and storage fees. They are still prosecuted for the original offence of no insurance at the time they were stopped. A Subaru Legacy, a Nissan Almeira, a Mitsubishi Shogun and another Subaru Forrester seized under the Hunting Act are currently held pending the prosecution of the drivers.
"Operation Galileo continues and I remain determined that we use all legislative powers available to us to deal with the scourge of hare coursing".

Drones – a leaflet for your guidance
Definition: Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVS), also known as drones, radio controlled aircraft, remotely Piloted Aerial Systems (RPAS), Small Unmanned Aircraft (SUA) or Small Unmanned Surveillance Aircraft (SUSA) are aircraft either controlled by ‘pilots’ from the ground or increasingly, autonomously following a pre-programmed mission.
As some of our members may be receiving a ‘drone’ for Xmas, please read the attached pdf for information on how to keep within the guidance on flying such an item.
Further information may be found by visiting: Civil Aviation Authority Website:
The leaflet is available for download by clicking HERE.
Cyclists members group only
We currently have a stock of Bike Register kits that will enable the owner of a cycle to mark on their bike, via a stencil, a unique serial number for registration onto the Bike Register database. Please note our kits are the UV marker ink, which will not be visible on your bike unless a UV light is used.
The kit acts as a visual deterrent for anyone looking to steal your cycle.
This means that should your bike be lost or stolen any police officer can ring bike register to find who the legal owner of the cycle is. The blue ink version kit currently sells on the bike register website for £19.99 permanent marking kit.
It is also recommended that you register the serial number onto too.
We have a limited number of FREE kits for you as a LincsAlert member and these can be collected from the following stations ONLY:
Lincoln (West Parade), Grantham, Boston, Stamford, Horncastle, Skegness, Sleaford, and Spalding.
It might be prudent to ring your local station (Town Enquiry Officer) Tel: 101, to see if they have stock available prior to visiting.
When visiting your station, please contact the front desk and ask for a kit. Ideally these will be issued one per person.
Thank you for supporting Lincolnshire Police.
We currently have a stock of Bike Register kits that will enable the owner of a cycle to mark on their bike, via a stencil, a unique serial number for registration onto the Bike Register database. Please note our kits are the UV marker ink, which will not be visible on your bike unless a UV light is used.
The kit acts as a visual deterrent for anyone looking to steal your cycle.
This means that should your bike be lost or stolen any police officer can ring bike register to find who the legal owner of the cycle is. The blue ink version kit currently sells on the bike register website for £19.99 permanent marking kit.
It is also recommended that you register the serial number onto too.
We have a limited number of FREE kits for you as a LincsAlert member and these can be collected from the following stations ONLY:
Lincoln (West Parade), Grantham, Boston, Stamford, Horncastle, Skegness, Sleaford, and Spalding.
It might be prudent to ring your local station (Town Enquiry Officer) Tel: 101, to see if they have stock available prior to visiting.
When visiting your station, please contact the front desk and ask for a kit. Ideally these will be issued one per person.
Thank you for supporting Lincolnshire Police.
Fraudsters have set up a high specification website template advertising various electrical goods and domestic appliances. These goods are below market value and do not exist. The fraudsters will request your card details via the website; however the purchaser will then receive an email stating the payment failed and they must pay via bank transfer.
The fraudsters entice the purchaser and reassure them it is a legitimate purchase by using the widely recognised Trusted Shop Trustmark. The fraudsters are using the Trustmark fraudulently and have not been certified by Trusted Shops and therefore the purchaser is not covered by the Trusted Shop money-back guarantee.
Protect yourself:
Check the authenticity of the websites before making any purchases. Conduct a ‘whois’ search on the website which will identify when the website has been created, be wary of newly formed domains. You can conduct this search using the following website -
Carry out online research in relation to the website, company name and the business address provided to identify any poor feedback or possible irregularities.
Check the Trusted Shops Facebook page where warnings about websites using their Trustmark are published. If you are in doubt about the legitimacy of a Trustmark then you can contact Trusted Shops on or by email . They will confirm whether they have certified that website.
Payments made via bank transfer are not protected should you not received the item. Therefore always try to make the payment via PayPal or a credit card where you have some payment cover should you not receive your product.
If the item advertised seems too good to be true, then it probably is. If you believe that you have been a victim of fraud you can report it online or by telephone .
Fraudsters have set up a high specification website template advertising various electrical goods and domestic appliances. These goods are below market value and do not exist. The fraudsters will request your card details via the website; however the purchaser will then receive an email stating the payment failed and they must pay via bank transfer.
The fraudsters entice the purchaser and reassure them it is a legitimate purchase by using the widely recognised Trusted Shop Trustmark. The fraudsters are using the Trustmark fraudulently and have not been certified by Trusted Shops and therefore the purchaser is not covered by the Trusted Shop money-back guarantee.
Protect yourself:
Check the authenticity of the websites before making any purchases. Conduct a ‘whois’ search on the website which will identify when the website has been created, be wary of newly formed domains. You can conduct this search using the following website -
Carry out online research in relation to the website, company name and the business address provided to identify any poor feedback or possible irregularities.
Check the Trusted Shops Facebook page where warnings about websites using their Trustmark are published. If you are in doubt about the legitimacy of a Trustmark then you can contact Trusted Shops on or by email . They will confirm whether they have certified that website.
Payments made via bank transfer are not protected should you not received the item. Therefore always try to make the payment via PayPal or a credit card where you have some payment cover should you not receive your product.
If the item advertised seems too good to be true, then it probably is. If you believe that you have been a victim of fraud you can report it online or by telephone .
Lincs Alert message from Lincolnshire Police Headquarters, Community Safety Department.
We have been made aware by a concerned resident that an Alarm company are “cold calling” Lincolnshire residents, trying to sell them intruder alarm systems.
If you do get a sales call please be mindful of the information that you pass to them.
When considering security systems for your home or business.
Don’t deal with cold callers or telesales enquiries, you should avoid doing doorstep or telephone business.
Many traders who call at your door are honest and genuine; however, some are not and can be extremely persuasive. If you have serious doubts about the legality or sales techniques being employed by this type of Security Company, or if they are using hard selling tactics which include unduly raising the fear of crime, pressure selling, unclear contracts and overpriced security systems, contact Lincolnshire Trading Standards for advice, tel 06.
Be aware that not all costs may be shown and ask yourself, How much is:
Installation costs, what am I getting?
Servicing – how much, how often?
Have monitored – upfront or monthly payments?
How long will I pay for it, minimum 3-5years?Please be aware that all alarm companies that install systems in our county which promise a Police response to alarm activations must be registered with one of the two national inspectorate bodies which are the NSI and the SSAIB.
You can check if an alarm company is inspectorate approved by contacting the NSI on telephone number (website: and the SSAIB on telephone number (website:
For further information on intruder alarm advice for domestic properties please visit the following websites:
Community Safety & Crime Reduction advice can be found on Lincolnshire Police force website: or by clicking on the following link:
We have been made aware by a concerned resident that an Alarm company are “cold calling” Lincolnshire residents, trying to sell them intruder alarm systems.
If you do get a sales call please be mindful of the information that you pass to them.
When considering security systems for your home or business.
Don’t deal with cold callers or telesales enquiries, you should avoid doing doorstep or telephone business.
Many traders who call at your door are honest and genuine; however, some are not and can be extremely persuasive. If you have serious doubts about the legality or sales techniques being employed by this type of Security Company, or if they are using hard selling tactics which include unduly raising the fear of crime, pressure selling, unclear contracts and overpriced security systems, contact Lincolnshire Trading Standards for advice, tel 06.
Be aware that not all costs may be shown and ask yourself, How much is:
Installation costs, what am I getting?
Servicing – how much, how often?
Have monitored – upfront or monthly payments?
How long will I pay for it, minimum 3-5years?Please be aware that all alarm companies that install systems in our county which promise a Police response to alarm activations must be registered with one of the two national inspectorate bodies which are the NSI and the SSAIB.
You can check if an alarm company is inspectorate approved by contacting the NSI on telephone number (website: and the SSAIB on telephone number (website:
For further information on intruder alarm advice for domestic properties please visit the following websites:
Community Safety & Crime Reduction advice can be found on Lincolnshire Police force website: or by clicking on the following link:
Neighbourhood Policing Teams regularly go into their local schools and deliver training/information packages on a variety of subjects.
The Community Safety Department aim to produce corporate training/information packages to ensure that the correct and relevant information is being delivered to schools across the county.
You will initially help to develop and implement these packages, and eventually assist in their delivery in schools either locally or across the county.
Please see the attached role profile which gives further details of the vacancy. This is a multiple person role.
If you are interested please contact the Volunteer 1000 Team on:
or email to giving your contact details.
Fraudsters have been phoning victims telling them that they have been placed in the wrong council tax bracket for a number of years and are entitled to a rebate. They normally say that this rebate should be worth about £7,000. Once the victim is convinced, the fraudster tells them that in order to receive the rebate they will need to pay an administration fee in advance. The payment they ask for varies between £60–£350. The victim provides the details and makes the payment, but then is no longer able to make contact with the person they spoke to on the phone. When they phone their council about the rebate and the fact that they are in the wrong tax bracket, the council will confirm that they know nothing about it and that they have been contacted by fraudsters.
The fraudsters have mainly been targeting both male and female victims who are aged 60 and over and live in the Sussex area, but it is likely that the fraudsters will also start to target victims in other areas.
Protect Yourself:
Never respond to unsolicited phone calls.
Your local council won’t ever phone out-of-the-blue to discuss a council tax rebate. If you receive a call of this nature, put the phone down straight away.
No legitimate organisation will ask you to pay an advanced fee in order to receive money, so never give them your card details.
If you think you have been a victim of fraud, hang up the phone and wait five minutes to clear the line as fraudsters sometimes keep the line open. Then call your bank or card issuer to report the fraud. Where it is possible use a different phone line to make the phone call.If you believe that you have been a victim of fraud you can report it online or by telephone .
Fraudsters have been phoning victims telling them that they have been placed in the wrong council tax bracket for a number of years and are entitled to a rebate. They normally say that this rebate should be worth about £7,000. Once the victim is convinced, the fraudster tells them that in order to receive the rebate they will need to pay an administration fee in advance. The payment they ask for varies between £60–£350. The victim provides the details and makes the payment, but then is no longer able to make contact with the person they spoke to on the phone. When they phone their council about the rebate and the fact that they are in the wrong tax bracket, the council will confirm that they know nothing about it and that they have been contacted by fraudsters.
The fraudsters have mainly been targeting both male and female victims who are aged 60 and over and live in the Sussex area, but it is likely that the fraudsters will also start to target victims in other areas.
Protect Yourself:
Never respond to unsolicited phone calls.
Your local council won’t ever phone out-of-the-blue to discuss a council tax rebate. If you receive a call of this nature, put the phone down straight away.
No legitimate organisation will ask you to pay an advanced fee in order to receive money, so never give them your card details.
If you think you have been a victim of fraud, hang up the phone and wait five minutes to clear the line as fraudsters sometimes keep the line open. Then call your bank or card issuer to report the fraud. Where it is possible use a different phone line to make the phone call.If you believe that you have been a victim of fraud you can report it online or by telephone .